Do I have to be an editor of a journal to submit to the database?
Absolutely not! We realize that a variety of people might have information to contribute, including past editors, publishers, peer reviewers, and authors. If you have knowledge to share, we welcome your input. We do ask that you try to make your submission as complete as possible and contact others you know who may have essential information before submitting your data form. We plan to follow up on all submissions and will work to fill in any missing data. Anything you can provide is helpful.
I was the editor of a journal that ceased publication several years ago. Can I submit my information?
Yes, please do. We hope to create an archive that includes scholarly nursing journals that are currently being published, as well as those that have been retired.
What are your criteria for a “scholarly nursing journal”?
Good question! Our criteria at the moment are not fully defined but will become clearer as the project moves forward. In general, we are looking at journals that have a length of publication, established processes for peer review, an identified editor/editor-in-chief, and a publisher of record. We anticipate that we will refine these criteria and establish a vetting process as we learn more from the submissions that we receive. We suggest you go ahead and submit–our plan is to cast a broad net and refine criteria as we move forward.
What is your definition of Editor?
We want to list those people who served in a senior editorial role, with the title of Editor or Editor-in-Chief. The listed people (current editor plus past editors) should be the people who oversaw the peer review process and made editorial decisions for manuscripts that were accepted for publication in the journal. We are not, at this time, including information on Associate or Managing Editors for scholarly nursing journals.
We are most interested in people who were appointed to the role as editor/editor-in-chief. We realize that during a transition period, a person may have been appointed as interim editor. If you have this information, you may include it, which is a help. But if this is missing information, don’t let this deter you from submitting your form.
I am the editor of an interdisciplinary journal. May I submit to your database?
Again, our criteria will evolve as we receive submissions. If you have nurse authors or a nurse editor your journal may be appropriate. Please send in the information and we will be in touch.
I have some paper copies of old journals in my office. Can I send them to you?
We do not have the resources to store and catalog old journals. What you can do is take pictures of information that may be helpful, including covers (especially if the cover has had design changes) and the front matter with the masthead that lists the editor and other people associated with the journal. We are happy to receive these types of pictures.
In terms of what to do with your old journals, if you don’t want them anymore–we suggest contacting a local health sciences library to see if their collection of the journal you have is complete. You may have issues that they can use to fill in gaps. We also suggest that you look at the archive of the journal online (at the journal website). If you see that the archive is incomplete, and you have the missing issues, the publisher might welcome receiving these for digitization. Contact us through our Feedback Page to discuss this in more detail.